The travel guide was an important aspect when creating the feeling of immersion. I made possible not to put texts or further explanations on the wall, instead the guests were able to find the information from the travel guide. As in travel guides are told the places tro see, in Semana Santa guide there was information about the stations, about the exhibition and the project.
Additional to travel information the book offered a deeper insight in Venezuela. The topics discuss about Venezuelan history, its economy and politic situation, Catholic and folk religions and everyday living. In exhibition contexts the guide was serving more travle guide purposes, but afterwards it it an indipendent data resource to Venezuelan culture.
Texts of the book were written by anthropological students visiting in Venezuela as part of their Venezuelan studies, designed by the Media Lab students and published by Helinä Rautavaara museum. Texts were in Finnish.
Table of contents (in Finnish)
The Travel Guide (in pdf-mode)