Tapio Matilainen

<![CDATA[My duty was to model 3D-objects for the Pavilion virtual world. I used Autodesk Max2010 at modeling. Hardest thing at the process was finding decent reference material. Small black&white photos where objects were seen maybe just from one direction without measurements left some space for imagination. Example fountains seen at main lobby of Pavilion. First I thought that those are ovens, maybe that gives some kind of image about process. Well, all ended well with those as well, got even some hints about possible colors of those.
Since there was no reference material available (about objects I modeled) at museums, I needed to do textures by myself, mostly by using Photoshop and free texture banks which can be found online. Material found online did not suit correctly straight away, so Photoshop was once again very useful.
With modeling I tried to keep in my mind to make them simple enough and as lowpolygon as possible with suitable quality for the project and Quest3D engine. My modelling included Chair, Fountains and the "foxwall".
Here is some of my sketches about fountains and "foxwall".
Early Sketces about 2 fountains found at scene
Sketch about wooden fox at wall
Other end of foxwall
Wireframe render about “foxwall” work in process.
This has been interesting project and have learned a lot about history of Pavilion and the rise of nationalism at Finland during that time.]]>