Markku Reunanen

<![CDATA[My role in the project has mostly been coordinating the efforts of the team members. Some of the 3D objects, such as the meteorite vitrine, the electric lamps and the press room were done by me using Wings 3D, an open source 3D package. I’ve also been responsible for the immersive hardware setup and participated in the interaction design.

Meteorite Vitrine Progress

In the picture above you can see how I proceeded with the modeling of the meteorite vitrine. Based on old black and white photographs, texts and Derek Fewster’s photos of the pedestal (which still exists at GTK in Otaniemi, Espoo), I first created a rough model to get the dimensions right. The next step was to add detail–but not too much to keep the polygon count reasonable. Finally the model was textured. The textures of the pedestal are taken from real photos, but since the rest of the vitrine was destroyed when the pavilion was demolished, I had to use generic freeware textures for the upper part.]]>