Finnish Pavilion at Akseli Gallen Kallela Museum

<![CDATA[The Finnish Pavilion at the 1900 World Fair in Paris interactive virtual reality installation is on exhibition in the new exhibition, Akseli’s Treasures, at the Akseli Gallen Kallela Museum. The exhibition is about adventure and activities, or looking at art and the era of Akseli Gallen-Kallela from a child’s perspective. It runs from Sept. 21, 2012 to May 12, 2013. For more information, see:


Museum Kunstpalast

<![CDATA[The next stop for the pavilion documentary is Museum Kunstpalast in Düsseldorf, Germany. The film is part of their Mystically Nordic exhibition, one of the biggest displays of the works of Akseli Gallen-Kallela ever to be seen in Germany. The exhibition was opened on the 2nd of June and will go on until the 9th of September.

1900 Finnish Pavilion film at Musée d'Orsay in Paris

<![CDATA[The project recently completed a short documentary that combines historical materials with computer-generated imagery to contextualize and offer a view of the 1900 Finnish Pavilion. The film is currently being shown as part of the Akseli Gallen Kallela, A Passion for Finland exhibition at the Musée d’Orsay in Paris. The exhibition opened on February 6 and continues until May 7, 2012. For more information about the exhibition please visit the Museum’s website.]]>

Lecture series on Digital Heritage, Spring 2011

<![CDATA[1. Digital Cultural Heritage and User Interface Design – Historical Perspective, 4 February.  (Aalto University, Lily Díaz) Room 4319, 4th floor lecture room at Media Lab.
2. The Finnish Pavilion at the 1900 World Fair in Paris, 11 February. (University of Helsinki, Derek Fewster) Room 6088.
3. The Vrouw Maria Project, 18 February. (National Board of Antiquities, Sallamaria Tikkanen) Room 4319, 4th floor lecture room at Media Lab.
4. Immersive Environments, and Accessibility, 4 March (Aalto University, Markku Reunanen) Room 4319, 4th floor lecture room at Media Lab.
5. Soundscapes, 11 March (Merivoimientutkimus laitos, Seppo Madekivi) Room 4319, 4th floor lecture room at Media Lab.
6. Data Acquisition, 18 March (National Board of Antiquities, Riikka Alvik) Room 4319, 4th floor lecture room at Media Lab.
7. Interacting with Digital Installations, 25 March (Aalto University, Tapio Takala) Room 4319, 4th floor lecture room at Media Lab.
8. Exhibition Design, 1 April (National Board of Antiquities, Eero Ehanti) Room 4319, 4th floor lecture room at Media Lab.]]>