Vrouw Maria installation receives Special Mention of the Jury at Europa Nostra 2015 Awards

Vrouw Maria Interactive 3D Virtual Simulation, received a Special Mention of the Jury in the RESEARCH category by the European Commission and Europa Nostra 2015 Awards. These awards are given annually since 2002 and intend to celebrate and promote “best practices related to heritage conservation, management, research, education and communication.”

For more information in the press about Vrouw Maria and Europa Nostra:

And our new promotional video of Re-discovering Vrouw Maria.

The work, that was done by a group of faculty and students and Media Lab, was submitted by the Maritime Museum of Finland in Kotka, where the installation is now part of the permanent exhibition. Needless to say, we are so very proud that we have been able to work with them to achieve this. The awards ceremony took place in Oslo on 11June 2015.

Thanks to the team at Aalto which was composed by the following individuals:

Lily Díaz – Project director & producer, interaction and interface design, video editing (Professor Media Lab)
Tommi Horttana – Software development, Unity 3D (MA Media Technology)
Mikko Hovi 3D – modeling (MA Media Lab)
Cvijeta Miljak – Graphic design website (DA Media Lab)
Jussi Muttilainen – Storyboarding (Minor subject studies, Media Lab)
Alexander Nikulin – Usability testing (DA Media Lab)
Minna Piirainen – Interaction, interface & experience design (MA Media Lab)
Markku Reunanen – Technical direction, stereographics, usability testing (Lecturer Media Lab)
Ferhat Sen – Technical direction, gesture-based interface design and development, production coordination, video editing. (DA Media Lab)
Heikki Sillanpää – Graphic design (MA Media Lab)
Markus Eräpohja – Logistics (Civil Service, Media Lab)

Vrouw Maria 3D interactive installation website


Additionally I want to thank Pekka Salonen, Ilpo Kari, and Janne Lehtimäki from technical support as well as Philip Dean, Johanna Leinonen and Johanna Glader for their support with administration.

“Discover the wreck and its mysterious cargo in an extraordinary 3D-simulation…”
In the meanwhile the installation is also at Schloss Gottorf in Schleswig museum in Germany from 29 May – 4 October 2015, as part of the exhibition, Of Swords, Sails and Cannon – the Sinking of the Princess Hedvig Sofia (Von Degen Segeln und Canonen – der Untergang der Prizessing Hedvig Sofia).


List of winners for the year 2015